eBook: Public Administration in the Developing World: Operating in a poorly funded context (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Chester Alexis C. Buama 
書城編號: 21778131

原價: HK$2106.00
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製造商: Society Publishing
出版日期: 2020/11/30
ISBN: 9781774078693

The book 'Public Administration in the Developing World: Operating in a poorly funded context' takes the readers through the various ways in which the public administration operates in various developing countries. The book highlights the importance of public administration across several verticals such as sanity, trade, facilities, healthcare, education etc. and relates it to the daily lives of the common citizen. The book mainly emphasizes on the condition of public administration in the countries that lack fund for their operation and how it subsequently impacts the citizens of such countries.
Chester Alexis C. Buama 作者作品表

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