eBook: Unicorn Baby: Debunking 10 Myths of Modern Parenting (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Roxanne Atkinson 
書城編號: 21784659

售價: $88.00

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製造商: Jonathan Ball Publishers
出版日期: 2021/02/12
頁數: 288
ISBN: 9781776190775

If you search the Internet for parenting tips and read a few parenting books you will most likely stumble across the mythical Unicorn Baby. This is the baby who feeds every four hours and sleeps through the night, sits at six months, pees pure gold and poops rainbows.Didn't get one of these? Don't worry, neither did clinical occupational therapist and mom of two 'Non-Unicorns', Roxanne Atkinson, which is why she's written this book. Combining her clinical and personal experience, Roxanne uses evidence-based facts to bust 10 anxiety-inducing parenting myths, including the myth that breastfeeding comes naturally and that you must get your baby into a perfect routine.Acknowledging that every baby is unique, this book helps new parents navigate the first year of their baby's life with their sanity - and sense of humour - intact.This book offers, among others:- A better understanding of your baby's brain and biology- Tried and tested activities that support your baby's development- A way to rid yourself of unrealistic expectations.
Roxanne Atkinson 作者作品表

The Unicorn Baby: Debunking 10 Myths of Modern Parenting (Paperback)

eBook: Unicorn Baby: Debunking 10 Myths of Modern Parenting (DRM EPUB)

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