eBook: Angel's Fury (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bryony Pearce 
書城編號: 21794831

原價: HK$43.00
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製造商: Egmont UK Ltd
出版日期: 2011/07/04
頁數: 352
ISBN: 9781780310633

A stunning debut book for young adults, mixing mythology, fantasy and real-life terror in a paranormal story like no other.Every atrocity Every war Every act of vengeance One fallen angel walks the earth to bring mankind to its destruction . . . Turning love into hate, forgiveness into blame, hope into despair. Through the fires of hell he will come to haunt one girls dreams. But what if everything she ever dreamed was true?Every time Cassie Farrier tries to sleep, she is plagued by visions of a death: A little girl called Zillah. A victim of the Holocaust. In desperation Cassie is sent for treatment in an old manor house. There she meets other children just like her. Including Seth... Seth who looks so familiar. Her dream becomes nightmare. And then reality.A book about the Holocaust; a paranormal thriller; a horror story Bryony Pearces debut novel spans genres in a truly unique book for teens.
Bryony Pearce 作者作品表

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eBook: Angel's Fury (DRM EPUB)

Angel's Fury (Paperback)

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