eBook: Separation (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Katie Kitamura 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)  
書城編號: 21802362

原價: HK$85.00
現售: HK$80.75 節省: HK$4.25

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製造商: Profile
出版日期: 2017/03/23
ISBN: 9781781256626
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'An absolutely mesmerizing work of art' Rachel Kushner'A novel so seamless, that follows its path with such consequence, that even minor deviations seem loaded with meaning. Wonderful.' Karl Ove KnausgaardA young woman has agreed with her faithless husband: it's time for them to separate. For the moment it's a private matter, a secret between the two of them. As she begins her new life, alone, she gets word that her ex-husband has gone missing in a remote region in the rugged southern Peloponnese. Reluctantly she agrees to go and search for him, still keeping their split to herself. In her heart, she's not even sure if she wants to find him. Adrift in the wild and barren landscape, she traces the failure of their relationship, and finds that she understands less than she thought about the man she used to love.A story of intimacy, infidelity and compassion, A Separation is about the gulf that divides us from the lives of others and the narratives we create to mask our true emotions. As the narrator reflects upon her love for a man who may never have been what he appeared, Kitamura propels us into the experience of a woman on the brink of catastrophe. A Separation is a riveting masterpiece of absence and presence that will leave the reader astonished, and transfixed.
Katie Kitamura 作者作品表

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