eBook: Populist Challenge: Political Protest and Ethno-Nationalist Mobilization in France (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Jens Rydgren 
系列: Berghahn Monographs in French Studies
分類: Political ideologies ,
Nationalism ,
Fascism & Nazism ,
Political parties ,
International relations ,
Political activism  
書城編號: 21813714

售價: $454.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Berghahn Books
出版日期: 2003/12/01
頁數: 268
ISBN: 9781782381808
>> 相關實體書

 During the last decade and a half a new political party family, the extreme Right-wing populist (ERP) parties, has established itself in a variety of West European democracies. These parties represent a monist politics based on ethnic nationalism and xenophobia as well as an opposition against the 'political establishment'. Being the prototypic ERP party, the French Front National (FN) has been a model for ERP parties emerging elsewhere in Western Europe. This study presents a theoretically based explanation that combines the macro and the micro-level, as well as the political supply and the demand-side. More specifically, this study shows that it is necessary to consider both opportunity structures, created by demand and supply-side factors, as well as the ability of the FN to take advantage of the available opportunities. Of particular interest is the author's analysis of the sociology and attitudes of the FN-voters.
Berghahn Monographs in French Studies

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Jens Rydgren 作者作品表

The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right (Hardcover)

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eBook: Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right (DRM EPUB)

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Class Politics and the Radical Right (Hardcover)

eBook: Populist Challenge: Political Protest and Ethno-Nationalist Mobilization in France (DRM PDF)

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