eBook: Beyond the Lens of Conservation: Malagasy and Swiss Imaginations of One Another (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Eva Keller 
系列: Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology
分類: Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ,
Social impact of environmental issues ,
Switzerland ,
書城編號: 21813922

售價: $454.00

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製造商: Berghahn Books
出版日期: 2015/02/01
頁數: 260
ISBN: 9781782385530
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 The global agenda of Nature conservation has led to the creation of the Masoala National Park in Madagascar and to an exhibit in its support at a Swiss zoo, the centerpiece of which is a mini-rainforest replica. Does such a cooperation also trigger a connection between ordinary people in these two far-flung places? The study investigates how the Malagasy farmers living at the edge of the park perceive the conservation enterprise and what people in Switzerland see when looking towards Madagascar through the lens of the zoo exhibit. It crystallizes that the stories told in either place have almost nothing in common: one focuses on power and history, the other on morality and progress. Thus, instead of building a bridge, Nature conservation widens the gap between people in the North and the South.
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Eva Keller 作者作品表

eBook: Beyond the Lens of Conservation: Malagasy and Swiss Imaginations of One Another (DRM PDF)

Road to Clarity (Paperback)

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