eBook: WealthBeing (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Malcolm Durham 
分類: Entrepreneurship  
書城編號: 21820060

原價: HK$117.00
現售: HK$111.15 節省: HK$5.85

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製造商: RedDoor Publishing
出版日期: 2015/09/03
頁數: 276
ISBN: 9781783018260

WealthBeing is the how-to-succeed-in-business book that doesnEt pretend you are a secret Superman but recognises that things donEt always run smoothly and presents solutions to problems before they even happen.Malcolm Durham has been through it all - depression, divorce, and other disasters - and has used his experiences to develop a practical plan that will give you both wealth and wellbeing -WealthBeing. From the nuts and bolts of building a business you can sell for millions to finding out who you are and what you need, WealthBeing is about realising your dreams and having enough in the bank to enjoy them.WealthBeing offers practical, and often counterintuitive advice. Choose a market thatEs neither too crowded nor too niche. Get yourself a partner or a mentor - and know which will be better for you. Pay attention to your personal needs, alongside the needs of your growing business. Use techniques like NLP and mindfulness, but donEt forget to watch your cashflow.In this informative and inspirational book Malcolm Durham tells you how to value a start-up when it hasnEt sold anything yet, how to build a team and move from being a doer to being a leader and how to handle the lifechanging events surrounding the sale of the business youEve worked for years to create.WealthBeing is about squaring the circle and getting the best of both worlds. Malcolm Durham has been there, done that and his tips and tricks will help you do it, too, measuring your progress along the way that culminate with his unique WealthBeing calculator. ThereEs no better guide to have at your side if you really want to get rich and be happy while you do it.
Malcolm Durham 作者作品表

eBook: WealthBeing (DRM EPUB)

Wealthbeing: A Guide to Creating Wealth and Enjoying Wellbeing (Paperback)

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