eBook: On Art and Painting: Vicente Carducho and Baroque Spain (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jean Andrews, Jeremy Roe, Oliver Noble Wood 
系列: Studies in Visual Culture
分類: Art & design styles: Baroque ,
Painting & paintings ,
Individual artists, art monographs ,
Europe ,
書城編號: 21822331

售價: $390.00

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製造商: University of Wales Press
出版日期: 2016/07/15
頁數: 432
ISBN: 9781783168613
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This book is a collection of fourteen essays on the Dialogues on Painting, published by the Florentine-born Spanish painter and art theorist Vicente Carducho (1568-1638) in 1633. This was the first treatise in Spanish on the art of painting, written as part of a campaign led by Carducho in collaboration with other prominent painters working in Madrid, to raise the status of the artist from artisan to liberal artist. The treatise provides an overview of the melding of Italian Renaissance art theory and Madrilenian practice in the baroque era. It also offers first-hand insight into collecting in Madrid during this crucial period in the rapid expansion of the capital city. The present collection of essays by art historians and hispanists from the UK, Spain, Germany and the US examines each of the dialogues in detail, furnishing an account of Carducho's campaign to establish a painting academy and to professionalise the office of the painter; detailing the publication history of the treatise and the interrelationship between painting and poetry; and it cites Carducho's own painting in relation to the Italian and Spanish traditions within which he operated.
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