eBook: Directory of World Cinema: Scotland (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Bob Nowlan, Zach Finch 
系列: Directory of World Cinema Series
分類: Films, cinema ,
Directories ,
書城編號: 21822627

售價: $416.00

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製造商: Intellect Books Ltd
出版日期: 2015/05/29
頁數: 372
ISBN: 9781783203956
>> 相關實體書

Scotland, its people and its history have long been a source of considerable fascination and inspiration for filmmakers, film scholars and film audiences worldwide. A significant number of critically acclaimed films made in the last twenty-five years have ignited passionate conversations and debates about Scottish national cinema. Its historical, industrial and cultural complexities and contradictions have made it all the more a focus of attention and interest for both popular audiences and scholarly critics.Directory of World Cinema: Scotlandprovides an introduction to many of Scottish cinema's most important and influential themes and issues, films and filmmakers, while adding to the ongoing discussion concerning how to make sense of Scotland's cinematic traditions and contributions. Chapters on filmmakers range from Murray Grigor to Ken Loach, and Gaelic filmmaking, radical and engaged cinema, production, finance and documentary are just a few of the topics explored. Film reviews range from popular box office hits such asBraveheart, andTrainspottingto lesser known but equally engaging independent and lower budget productions, such asShellandOrphans. This book is both a stimulating and accessible resource for a wide range of readers interested in Scottish film.
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