eBook: Civil War in Yorkshire: Fairfax Versus Newcastle (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: David Cooke 
系列: Battlefield Britain
分類: British & Irish history ,
Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700 ,
Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900 ,
Military history ,
Battles & campaigns ,
c 1600 to c 1700 ,
書城編號: 21826088

原價: HK$65.00
現售: HK$61.75 節省: HK$3.25

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

出版日期: 2004/09/19
頁數: 192
ISBN: 9781783402762
>> 相關實體書

During the English Civil Wars the streets and fields of Yorkshire were fought over for the control of the county. In the bitter confrontation between king and Parliament, Yorkshire was the key to control of the North. This historical guide tells the story of this Yorkshire war, using contemporary accounts, early and modern maps and a wealth of other illustrations. It also provides detailed tours of the battlegrounds and other sites.
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eBook: Civil War in Yorkshire: Fairfax Versus Newcastle (DRM PDF)

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David Cooke 作者作品表

Sicilian Elephants (Paperback)

Murmuration (Paperback)

A Slow Blues HB (Hardcover)

Work Horses (Paperback)

eBook: Yorkshire Sieges of the Civil Wars (DRM EPUB)

Yorkshire Sieges of the Civil Wars (Paperback)

Corgi Toys (Paperback)

eBook: Road to Marston Moor (DRM EPUB)

Road to Marston Moor (Hardcover)

Battlefield Yorkshire (Hardcover)

eBook: Battlefield Yorkshire: From the Romans to the English Civil Wars (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Battlefield Yorkshire: From the Romans to the English Civil Wars (DRM PDF)

eBook: Civil War in Yorkshire: Fairfax Versus Newcastle (DRM PDF)

eBook: Civil War in Yorkshire: Fairfax Versus Newcastle (DRM EPUB)

Civil War in Yorkshire (Paperback)

Dinky Toys (Paperback)

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