eBook: Smart Devices: 52 Poems from The Guardian 'Poem of the Week' (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Carol Rumens 
書城編號: 21834886

售價: $156.00

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製造商: Carcanet
出版日期: 2019/12/05
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9781784107802

A year of hand-picked poems and commentaries from the Guardian's 'Poem of the Week' blog.Carol Rumens has been contributing 'Poem of the Week' to the Guardian for more than a dozen years. Do the maths: that's more than 624 blogs! No wonder she has a large and devoted following. She's a poet-reader, not an academic. She is fascinated by the new, but her interest is instructed by the classic poems she has read. They make her ear demanding: when it hears that something, it perks up. She perks up.'A poem is a small (or large) machine made of words.' Rumens partly agrees with Williams but she develops the conceit, seeing each poem 'as a more flexible instrument, a miniature neo-cortex, that super-connective, super-layered smartest device of the mammalian brain'.She tries to avoid poems built from kits with instruction manuals. She looks for surprises, and she surprises us.
Carol Rumens 作者作品表

Mind's Eye: Notelets & Dialogues in Tribute to Paul Celan (Paperback)

Smart Devices (Paperback)

eBook: Smart Devices: 52 Poems from The Guardian 'Poem of the Week' (DRM EPUB)

Bezdelki (Paperback)

eBook: Animal People (DRM EPUB)

Animal People (Paperback)

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