eBook: Mortar Gunner on the Eastern Front, Volume II: Russia, Hungary, Lithuania, and the Battle for East Prussia (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Hans Heinz Rehfeldt, Gilberto Villahermosa 
分類: Autobiography: historical, political & military ,
Memoirs ,
Second World War  
書城編號: 21836907

原價: HK$195.00
現售: HK$185.25 節省: HK$9.75

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Greenhill Books
出版日期: 2019/10/30
頁數: 352
ISBN: 9781784383671

This second volume of a Nazi soldier's WWII diary continues the chronicle of his experiences on the Easter Front. A member of the Hitler Youth before the outbreak of World War II, Hans Heinz Rehfeldt volunteered for the Grossdeutschland's panzer arm in 1940 and fought with them for nearly the entire war. He was decorated with the Iron Cross First and Second Class, the Eastern Front Medal, the Close Combat Clasp, and the Infantry Assault Badge. His diaries offer a historically significant chronicle of German military actions on the Eastern Front as well as a rare look inside the mind of a committed Nazi soldier. This second volume of Rehfeldt's wartime diary covers his experience as a platoon commander in Romania, East Prussia and Lithuania during 1944. After being transferred by ship from Memel to Knigsberg later that year, he took part in the battles for Ostprussen. Fleeing Russian imprisonment, he traveled west, where he fell into American captivity on May 3rd, 1945. In July, he was released and returned home.
Hans Heinz Rehfeldt 作者作品表

Mortar Gunner on the Eastern Front (Hardcover)

Mortar Gunner On The Eastern Front (Hardcover)

Gilberto Villahermosa 作者作品表

eBook: Hitler's Paratroopers in Normandy: The German II Parachute Corps in the Battle for France, 1944 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hitler's Paratroopers in Normandy: The German II Parachute Corps in the Battle for France, 1944 (DRM PDF)

Hitler's Paratrooper (Paperback)

eBook: Hitler's Paratrooper: The Life and Battles of Rudolf Witzig (DRM EPUB)

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