eBook: Disputed Territories: The Transnational Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict Settlement (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Stefan Wolff 
系列: Ethnopolitics
分類: Peace studies & conflict resolution ,
Ethnic studies ,
Physical anthropology ,
Political science & theory ,
International relations  
書城編號: 21845143

售價: $454.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Berghahn Books
出版日期: 2003/01/01
頁數: 272
ISBN: 9781785330582
>> 相關實體書

 Ethnic conflicts have shaped the 20th century in significant ways. While the legacy of the last century is primarily one of many unresolved conflicts, the author contends that Western Europe has a track record in containing and settling ethnic conflicts which provides valuable lessons for conflict management elsewhere. Focusing on ethno-territorial crossborder conflicts in Alsace, the Saarland, South Tyrol, and Northern Ireland, Andorra and the New Hebrides, the author develops a four-dimensional analytical framework that synthesizes the distinct factors that influence the complex relationship between host-state, kin-state, actors in the disputed territory, and in the international context.

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eBook: Disputed Territories: The Transnational Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict Settlement (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Disputed Territories: The Transnational Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict Settlement (DRM PDF)

Stefan Wolff 作者作品表

Benennen der Elemente einer Brandschutzklappe und Bestimmen der erforderlichen Größe mittels Auswahltabelle (Unterweisung Technische/-r Zeichner/-in):

Conflict Management in Divided Societies (Paperback)

Ethnic Conflict (Paperback)

eBook: Ethnic Conflict: A Global Perspective (DRM PDF)

eBook: Disputed Territories: The Transnational Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict Settlement (DRM PDF)

eBook: Disputed Territories: The Transnational Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict Settlement (DRM EPUB)

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