eBook: Deed (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Gerold Frank 
分類: Israel ,
書城編號: 21868477

售價: $65.00

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製造商: Valmy Publishing
出版日期: 2017/07/31
ISBN: 9781787207769

A NON-FICTION THRILLER BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE BOSTON STRANGLER"TWO YOUNG RADICALS ASSASSINATE A HIGH GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. WERE THEY PATRIOTS OR MURDERERS?CAIRO, EGYPT: The car moved slowly through the baking heat and noise of the city and finally arrived at Lord Moyne's residence. The car halted and the chauffeur hurried to open the door for the British Ambassador. On the other side, two figures leapt up and raced toward the car-both carrying revolvers. One youth reached the automobile, wrenched open the back door and fired three times at Lord Moyne."Stop, murderers, stop!"Within seconds police had captured the two."Who are you? Why have you done this?"One boy spoke. "We have nothing to say. We await the judgment of mankind.""Brilliant and suspenseful. I can think of few reading experiences in the last year as compelling as The Deed."-Los Angeles Times"SPELLBINDING SUSPENSE...a slice of history beautifully and accurately told. The Deed is by far the finest book Gerold Frank has ever written; it is easy to read but awfully, awfully hard to forget."-Quentin Reynolds, Saturday Review"COMPELLING, IMPORTANT. Even if it were not true-and it is agonizingly true-it would be a genuine literary work. It is a book not to be forgotten."-Herald Tribune"A NARRATIVE THAT WON'T LET YOU GO...moving and disturbing."-Chicago Tribune"POWER AND POIGNANCY...gives life to a footnote in history. The opening prickles with suspense. The book reaches a climax of genuine pathos. Few, I predict, will fail to be moved by the closing pages of The Deed."-John Barkham, Saturday Review Syndicate
Gerold Frank 作者作品表

Judy: The Life, Legend, and Tragedy of an American Icon (Paperback)

eBook: Judy: The Authorized Biography of Judy Garland (DRM EPUB)

eBook: American Death: The True Story of the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Greatest Manhunt of Our Time (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Deed (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Boston Strangler (DRM EPUB)

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