eBook: Secret of the Night: "Everyone dies. I just choose the time and place for some of them!" (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Gaston Leroux 
分類: Horror & ghost stories  
書城編號: 21871969

原價: HK$27.00
現售: HK$25.65 節省: HK$1.35

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製造商: Copyright Group
出版日期: 2017/08/01
頁數: 191
ISBN: 9781787374768

Gaston Louis Alfred Leroux was born on May 6th, 1868, in Paris, France. Leroux was schooled in Normandy and went to Paris to study Law where he graduated in 1889. As a young man he inherited a fortune, valued even then in the millions of francs, and lived excessively until it was almost all quickly spent. In 1890, he began working as a court reporter and theater critic for L'Echo de Paris. He became an international correspondent for Le Matin and covered perhaps his most important story in 1905 when he witnessed and wrote about the Russian Revolution. Lerouxs' reporting instincts were also used for in-depth coverage of the former Paris Opera being used as cells to house prisoners of the Paris Commune in the basement. He abruptly switched careers in 1907 to write fiction. His first effort was the Mystery of the Yellow Room. This was the first in a series of the Adventures of Rouletabillet. From then until the mid-1920s he wrote prolifically, becoming a firm favourite to his French audience and increasingly to a growing market abroad thanks to the numerous translations and his growing reputation. By 1919, Leroux had seen the potential in the growing film industry and together with Arthur Bernede they formed a film company, Societe des Cineromans, to publish novels and simultaneously turn them into films. As an author Leroux works are placed alongside Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's in the United Kingdom and Edgar Allan Poe's in the United States. His Phantom of the Opera is one of the world's classic treasures and is constantly being adapted into other media; from films and TV to radio as well as an audiobook. Leroux was honoured by the French State with a Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur in 1902. Gaston Leroux died in Nice, in Southern France, on April 15th, 1927.
Gaston Leroux 作者作品表

The Phantom of the Opera (Hardcover)

Phantom of the Opera (Hardcover)

The Phantom of the Opera (Hardcover)

El Fantasma de la Ópera / The Phantom of the Opera (Hardcover)

The Phantom of the Opera (Collector's Edition) (Laminated Hardback with Jacket) (Hardcover)

The Phantom of the Opera (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) (Hardcover)

The Phantom of the Opera (Revived Reads Edition) (Hardcover)

The Phantom of the Opera (Revived Reads Paperback Edition) (Paperback)

La Machine à assassiner (Paperback)

eBook: Phantom of the Opera (DRM EPUB)

Phantom of the Opera (Collector's Edition) (Hardcover)

The Phantom of the Opera (Paperback)

The Phantom of the Opera (Paperback)

Le Mystère De La Chambre Jaune (Paperback)

eBook: El fantasma de la opera (DRM EPUB)

Le Fantôme de l'Opéra (Paperback)

The Phantom of the Opera (Paperback)

The Phantom of the Opera (Paperback)

The Dark Road Further Adventures of Cheri-Bibi (Paperback)

The Mystery of the Yellow Room Extraordinary Adventures of Joseph Rouletabille Reporter (Paperback)

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