eBook: Roger Daltrey: Thanks a lot Mr Kibblewhite, The Sunday Times Bestseller: My Story (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Roger Daltrey 
書城編號: 21882423

原價: HK$65.00
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製造商: Blink Publishing
出版日期: 2018/10/18
頁數: 352
ISBN: 9781788700306

'Before the sixties, you were a child and then you were a man. You went to school and then you went to work. That changed. Our generation changed it.'Roger Daltrey is the voice of a generation, and this is his story.This is the story of his tempestuous school days and his expulsion, age 15, thanks to his authoritarian headmaster, Mr Kibblewhite. That could have been where the story ended, as the life of a factory worker beckoned, but then came rock and roll. Making his first guitar from factory off-cuts, Roger formed a band that would become The Who, one of the biggest bands on the planet.This is the story of My Generation, Tommy and Quadrophenia, of smashed guitars, exploding drums, cars in swimming pools, fights, arrests and redecorated hotel rooms, but also how all those post-war kids redefined the rules of youth.This is not just a hilarious and frank account of more than 50 wild years on the road, it is the definitive story of The Who and of the sweeping revolution that was British rock 'n' roll.
Roger Daltrey 作者作品表

Roger Daltrey Thanks A Lot Mr Kibblewhit (Paperback)

Roger Daltrey: Thanks a lot Mr Kibblewhite (Hardcover)

eBook: Thanks a Lot Mr Kibblewhite: My Story (DRM EPUB)

Roger Daltrey: Thanks a lot Mr Kibblewhite, The Sunday Times Bestseller: My Story (Hardcover)

eBook: Roger Daltrey: Thanks a lot Mr Kibblewhite, The Sunday Times Bestseller: My Story (DRM EPUB)


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