eBook: Dragons' Teeth and Thunderstones: The Quest for the Meaning of Fossils (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: McNamara Ken McNamara 
分類: Popular science ,
Natural history  
書城編號: 21886951

原價: HK$325.00
現售: HK$308.75 節省: HK$16.25

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製造商: Reaktion Books
出版日期: 2020/08/06
頁數: 288
ISBN: 9781789142891
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For at least half a million years, people have been doing some very strange things with fossils. Long before a few seventeenth-century minds started to decipher their true, organic nature, fossils had been eaten, dropped in goblets of wine, buried with the dead, and adorned bodies. What triggered such curious behavior was the belief that some fossils could cure illness, protect against being poisoned, ease the passage into the afterlife, ward off evil spirits, and even kill those who were just plain annoying. But above all, to our early prehistoric ancestors, fossils were the very stuff of artistic inspiration. Drawing on archaeology, mythology, and folklore, Ken McNamara takes us on a journey through prehistory with these curious stones, and he explores humankind's unending quest for the meaning of fossils.
McNamara Ken McNamara 作者作品表

eBook: Unearthing the Underworld: A Natural History of Rocks (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Dragons' Teeth and Thunderstones: The Quest for the Meaning of Fossils (DRM EPUB)

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