eBook: Paul Cezanne (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jane Bingham 
系列: Great Artists
分類: Art & design styles: Impressionism & Post-Impressionism ,
Individual artists, art monographs ,
Biography: arts & entertainment ,
Autobiography: arts & entertainment  
書城編號: 21899392

原價: HK$32.00
現售: HK$30.4 節省: HK$1.6

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製造商: Arcturus Digital Limited
出版日期: 2019/12/16
ISBN: 9781838577612
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In the words of Matisse and Picasso, Paul Cezanne was the 'father of us all', his approach to color and perspective paving the way for later modernist art movements such as Cubism and Expressionism, as he moved beyond the figurative tradition and towards abstraction. This book charts Cezanne's journey as an artist, his involvement with the Impressionist movement and his importance as a leading Post-Impressionist. It explores the places where he lived and worked, his personal life and friendships, and the artistic influences that helped to shape his remarkable vision of the world. This biographical detail is set alongside a selection of his brilliant paintings, allowing you to trace the evolution of his artwork. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Great Artists series by Arcturus Publishing introduces some of the most significant artists of the past 150 years, looking at their lives, techniques and inspirations, as well as presenting a selection of their best work.
Great Artists

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Jane Bingham 作者作品表

Little First Stickers Baby Animals (Paperback)

Christmas!: Celebrations around the World (Hardcover)

First Sticker Book Sharks and Rays (Paperback)

Little First Stickers Birds (Paperback)

Little First Stickers Baby Animals (Paperback)

First Sticker Book Sharks and Rays (Paperback)

Festivals! (Hardcover)

Festivals! (Hardcover)

Little First Stickers Butterflies (Paperback)

First Sticker Book Trees (Paperback)

Usborne Workbooks Grammar and Punctuation 8-9 (Paperback)

Usborne Workbooks Spelling 8-9 (Paperback)

Fy Llyfr Geiriau Cymraeg / My First Welsh Words (Bilingual ed) (Hardcover)

1000 English Words (Hardcover)

Write Your Own Story Word Book (Spiral bound)

Usborne Workbooks Spelling 7-8 (Paperback)

Usborne Workbooks Spelling 6-7 (Paperback)

Little First Stickers Building Site (Paperback)

Usborne Workbooks Spelling 5-6 (Paperback)

Helping Our Planet (Paperback)

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