eBook: Pattern Recognition: An introduction (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Brett Anderson 
書城編號: 21903411

原價: HK$2340.00
現售: HK$2223 節省: HK$117

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出版日期: 2019/09/14
ISBN: 9781839472398

Watching the environment and recognising patterns with the end goal of basic leadership is central to human instinct. This book manages the logical train that empowers comparable observation in machines through pattern recognition, which has application in differing innovation regions-character recognition, picture handling, modern computerization, web looks, discourse recognition, therapeutic diagnostics, target recognition, space science, remote detecting, information mining, biometric recognizable proof-to give some examples. This book is a composition of central subjects in pattern recognition utilizing an algorithmic approach. It gives a careful prologue to the ideas of pattern recognition and an efficient record of the real points in pattern recognition other than assessing the huge advance made in the field as of late. It incorporates fundamental strategies of pattern recognition, neural systems, bolster vector machines and choice trees. While hypothetical angles have been given due scope, the accentuation is more on the pragmatic. Pattern recognition has application in practically every field of human undertaking including topography, geology, space science and brain research. All the more particularly, it is helpful in bioinformatics, mental investigation, biometrics and a large group of different applications.
Brett Anderson 作者作品表

Afternoons With The Blinds Drawn (paperback)

Afternoons with the Blinds Drawn (Hardcover)

eBook: Afternoons with the Blinds Drawn (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pattern Recognition: An introduction (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pattern Recognition: An introduction (DRM PDF)

Coal Black Mornings (Paperback)

Coal Black Mornings (Hardcover)

eBook: Coal Black Mornings (DRM EPUB)

Coal Black Mornings (Hardcover)

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