eBook: Sage 50 Accounts 2016 in easy steps (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bill Mantovani 
分類: Accounting ,
Small businesses & self-employed ,
Accounting software  
書城編號: 21905873

原價: HK$171.00
現售: HK$162.45 節省: HK$8.55

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製造商: In Easy Steps
出版日期: 2016/05/11
頁數: 192
ISBN: 9781840787337
>> 相關實體書

Sage 50 Accounts is the UK's market-leading accounts software. It lets you manage your day-to-day finances, customers, suppliers and VAT and keeps your finger on the pulse of your business. Updated for Sage 50 Accounts for the 2016/17 financial year, Sage 50 Accounts 2016 in easy steps uses detailed images and easy-to-follow instructions, showing you how to quickly get to grips with the new features of this leading accounts software. This definitive guide clarifies everything from basic recording keeping to utilising Sage as an information-bank for making crucial business decisions. Areas covered include: setting up Sage, entering debtors and creditors; producing purchase/sales orders and invoices; bank account reconciliation; stock management, including Bill of Materials; important month and year end procedures; processing the VAT return and e-Submission; generating invaluable management reports. Sage 50 Accounts 2016 in easy steps is ideal for non-accountants using Sage 50 Essentials, Accounts, Accounts Plus or Accounts Professional for the first time, or just needing to grasp the new key features - all in easy steps! The Sage Accounts range includes: Desktop software: Sage 50 Accounts; Sage 50 Accounts Plus; Sage 50 Accounts Pro; Sage 50 Accounts Essentials. Cloud Based Online Software: Sage One Cashbook; Sage One Accounting.
Bill Mantovani 作者作品表

Xero in Easy Steps (Paperback)

Sage 50cloud Accounts in easy steps (Paperback)

eBook: Sage Accounts in easy steps (DRM EPUB)

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Sage 50 Payroll 2016 in Easy Steps (Paperback)

eBook: Sage 50 Payroll 2016 in easy steps (DRM EPUB)

Sage 50 Accounts 2016 in Easy Steps (Paperback)

eBook: Sage 50 Accounts 2016 in easy steps (DRM EPUB)

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