eBook: Words of Life (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Timothy Ward 
分類: Biblical studies & exegesis ,
Spirituality & religious experience  
書城編號: 21909795

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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製造商: Inter Varsity Press UK
出版日期: 2012/12/17
頁數: 192
ISBN: 9781844748570
>> 相關實體書

Throughout Christian history, the overwhelmingly predominant view of the Bible has been that it is itself the living and active word of God. Timothy Ward explains and defends what we are really saying when we trust and proclaim, as we must, that the Bible is God's word. In particular, he describes the nature of the relationship between the living God and Scripture. He examines why, in order to worship God faithfully, we need to pay close attention to the Bible; why, in order to be faithful disciples of Jesus - the Word-made-flesh - we need to base our lives on the words of the Bible; and why, in order to keep in step with the Holy Spirit, we need to trust and obey what the Bible says. Ward offers an understanding of the nature of Scripture under three main headings. A biblical outline shows that the words of the Bible form a significant part of God's action in the world. A theological outline focuses on the relationship of Scripture with each of the persons of the Trinity. A doctrinal outline examines the 'attributes' of Scripture. A final chapter explores some significant areas in which the doctrine of Scripture should be applied. Grounded in the relevant scholarship, this excellent, lucid exposition of the nature and function of Scripture stands firmly in line with the best of the theological traditions and is expressed in a form appropriate for the twenty-first century.
Timothy Ward 作者作品表

eBook: Little Ant Who Was Told You Can't (DRM EPUB)

Lessons in Humiliation (Paperback)

eBook: Words of Life (DRM EPUB)

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