eBook: Space Penguins Galaxy Race (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lucy Courtenay 
系列: Space Penguins
分類: Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Science fiction (Children's / Teenage) ,
Animal stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Humorous stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Interest age: from c 5 years  
書城編號: 21917214

售價: $65.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Stripes Publishing
出版日期: 2013/06/03
頁數: 112
ISBN: 9781847154934
>> 相關實體書

What's black and white, and flies faster than the speed of light? The Space Penguins! They're the ice-cool crew of the spaceship Tunafish. With their pioneering flying skills and resistance to the deep freeze, these intergalactic avians are going where no fin has gone before. Captain T Krill, Rocky Waddle, Fuzz Allgrin and Splash Gordon are on a mission to explore new planets, rescue alien life, and battle their former comrade-in-wings: Dark Wader. In Galaxy Race! Rocky's reputation for death-defying aerial acrobatics gains him an invitation to participate in the galaxy's notorious Superchase Space Race. But will this turn out to be a race to the death? This hilarious Space Penguin adventure is sure to appeal to boys. Full of fishy goings on, humour and adventure Space Penguins is a fantastic series that will tickle even reluctant boy readers. It's just one tiny waddle for mankind...
Space Penguins

eBook: Comet Chaos (DRM EPUB)

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Meteor Madness! (UK ed.) (Paperback)

eBook: Space Penguins Galaxy Race (DRM EPUB)

Lucy Courtenay 作者作品表

Escuela de Sirenas 3.: En Sus Marcas, Listas... ¡Naden! (Paperback)

Escuela de Sirenas 2: Espectáculo En La Gruta (Paperback)

Escuela de Sirenas (Paperback)

Mermaid School: The Spooky Shipwreck (Paperback)

Mermaid School: Save Our Seas! (Paperback)

Mermaid School: All Aboard! (Paperback)

Oxford Reading Tree Word Sparks: Level 12: The Wrong Instruments (1) (Paperback)

Mermaid School: Ready, Steady, Swim! (Paperback)

Mermaid School: The Clamshell Show (Paperback)

Mermaid School (Paperback)

Movie Night (Paperback)

eBook: Girl at Sea (DRM EPUB)

Girl at Sea (Paperback)

Get Started in Writing and Illustrating a Children's Book (paperback)


eBook: Get Started in Writing an Illustrated Children's Book: Design, develop and write illustrated children's books for kids of all ages (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Kiss (DRM EPUB)

Kiss (Paperback)

eBook: Comet Chaos (DRM EPUB)

Black Hole Battle! (Paperback)

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