eBook: Lazy Jack (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Miles Kelly 
分類: Traditional stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Short stories (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 21924698

原價: HK$46.00
現售: HK$43.7 節省: HK$2.3

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

出版日期: 2011/05/01
ISBN: 9781848107663
>> 相關實體書

Simply retold and wonderfully illustrated, this series of ten books brings together charming tales that children will enjoy. With 6-7 stories per book, each taking about 5 minutes to read, this set is ideal for parents to read with young children who are starting to recognise words. The easy-to-read text also allows independent readers or older children to read aloud with confidence.
Miles Kelly 作者作品表

Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors (Paperback)

Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors (Library Binding)

David and Goliath (Library Binding)

David and Goliath (Paperback)

Cinderella (Paperback)

Cinderella (Library Binding)

Under the Sea Activity Pack (Paperback)

Let's have Fun with Science (Hardcover)

A Curious Fact a Day (Hardcover)

Princess Stories (Hardcover)

Nursery Rhymes (Hardcover)

How the Leopard got his Spots (Paperback)

How the Rhinoceros got his Skin (Paperback)

Get Set Go Writing: Sharks (Paperback)

Get Set Go Writing: Tractors and Diggers (Paperback)

First Words and Numbers (Hardcover)

Junior Picture Dictionary (Paperback)

Junior Encyclopedia (Paperback)

Big Book of Aesop's Fables (Hardcover)

Nursery Treasury (Paperback)

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