eBook: Every Mountain Made Low (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Alex White 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) ,
Science fiction ,
書城編號: 21937731

原價: HK$78.00
現售: HK$74.1 節省: HK$3.9

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製造商: Rebellion Publishing Ltd
出版日期: 2016/10/25
ISBN: 9781849979313
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Loxley Fiddleback can see the dead, but the problem is... the dead can see her.Ghosts have always been cruel to Loxley Fiddleback, especially the spirit of her only friend, alive only hours before. Loxley isn't equipped to solve a murder: she lives near the bottom of a cutthroat, strip-mined metropolis known as "The Hole," suffers from crippling anxiety and doesn't cotton to strangers. Worse still, she's haunted.She inherited her ability to see spirits from the women of her family, but the dead see her, too. Ghosts are drawn to her like a bright fire, and their lightest touch leaves her with painful wounds.Loxley swears to take blood for blood and find her friend's killer. In doing so, she uncovers a conspiracy that rises all the way to the top of The Hole. As her enemies grow wise to her existence, she becomes the quarry, hunted by a brutal enforcer named Hiram McClintock. In sore need of confederates, Loxley must descend into the strangest depths of the city in order to have the revenge she seeks and, ultimately, her own salvation.
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