eBook: Sunset Ridge (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Nicole Alexander 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)  
書城編號: 21940400

售價: $169.00

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製造商: Penguin Random House Australia
出版日期: 2013/09/02
頁數: 480
ISBN: 9781864712797
>> 相關實體書

From Nicole Alexander, the 'heart of Australian storytelling', comes an epic historical novel that takes three brothers from the drought-stricken outback of Queensland to the horror of the trenches in World War One.They went to war and fought for love ...Although Madeleine has grown up in the shadow of her grandfather, the renowned artist David Harrow, she knows little about him. For David died long before she was born, and his paintings sold off to save the family property, Sunset Ridge.Now, decades on, with the possibility of a retrospective of David's work, Madeleine races to unravel the remarkable life of her grandfather, a veteran of the Great War, unaware that his legacy extends far beyond the boundaries of the family property...It's 1916, and as Europe descends further into bloodshed, three Queensland brothers -Thaddeus, Luther and David Harrow - choose freedom over their restricted lives at Sunset Ridge. A 'freedom' that sees them bound for the hell of the trenches. With the world on fire around them, the brothers bear witness to both remarkable courage and shocking carnage. But they also come to understand the healing power of love - love for their comrades, love for each other, and love for the young, highly spirited girl they left back home...This is a story of bravery and misadventure, of intolerance and friendship, most of all it is the story of three young men who went to war and fought for love.'Alexander writes [with] a deep love of the land' Courier-Mail
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