eBook: Children and Residential Care in Europe (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Nicola Madge 
分類: Child welfare  
書城編號: 21943485

售價: $78.00

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製造商: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
出版日期: 1994/05/01
頁數: 176
ISBN: 9781905818594

What lessons can be learned from the different ways in which residential care is organised throughout Europe? Which countries' services meet children's needs most effectively?Originally published in 1994, this ebook looks broadly at children and child care services, especially residential child care, in 13 European Union countries, to give an overview of national similarities and differences and identify key areas of change, development and concern.The European Children's Centre survey, on which this report was based, was commissioned by The Warner Inquiry into the selection, development and management of staff in children's homes. Established in the United Kingdom in response to a number of widely-publicised scandals in residential care, the Inquiry recognised the value of looking to other European countries in order to learn from their successes and failures.
Nicola Madge 作者作品表

Lockdown Life: The Pandemic Experience for Older Diarists (Hardcover)

Everyday Tales of Older Women in Their Prime (Paperback)

Sixty Somethings (Paperback)

Youth on Religion (Paperback)

eBook: Children these days (DRM PDF)

Children These Days (Hardcover)

Understanding Difference: The meaning of ethnicity for young lives (Paperback)

eBook: Children and Residential Care in Europe (DRM PDF)

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