eBook: Rainbow Valley (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lucy Montgomery 
書城編號: 21954565

原價: HK$62.00
現售: HK$58.9 節省: HK$3.1

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製造商: Max Bollinger
出版日期: 2013/09/15
頁數: 218
ISBN: 9781909904286

In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, we find Anne Shirley married with six children. And we learn more about her new neighbor, the new Presbyterian minister John Meredith, as well as the interactions between Anne's and John Meredith's children. This book follows Anne from the age of 41 to 48.
Lucy Montgomery 作者作品表

Anne of Avonlea (Collector's Edition) (Hardcover)

Anne of Green Gables (Heritage Collection) (Hardcover)

The Blue Castle (Paperback)

eBook: Anne of Green Gables (mp3 zips)

eBook: Anne of Avonlea (mp3 zips)

eBook: Anne of the Island (mp3 zips)

The Blue Castle: The Original Manuscript (Paperback)

eBook: Short Stories of Lucy Maud Montgomery 1896-1901 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Short Stories of Lucy Maud Montgomery 1902-1903 (DRM EPUB)

Anne of Green Gables (Hardcover)

Ask Not Why: Can one child fulfil the dreams of a lost generation? (Paperback)

French: Elementary Book: (Skoldo)

French: Children's Book Two (Paperback)

French: Children's Book One: (Skoldo) (Primary French for Children)

eBook: Further Chronicles of Avonlea (DRM PDF)

eBook: Further Chronicles of Avonlea (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Chronicles of Avonlea (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Chronicles of Avonlea (DRM PDF)

eBook: Rainbow Valley (DRM PDF)

eBook: Rainbow Valley (DRM EPUB)

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