eBook: Four Brothers in Arms: Second Edition (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ian McGill 
分類: Biography: general ,
Biography: historical, political & military ,
書城編號: 21962289

售價: $104.00

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製造商: Melrose Books
出版日期: 2018/01/29
頁數: 170
ISBN: 9781912026982

Four Brothers in Arms is a fascinating account of a single family and their service in the British Armed Forces, drawing on an unusual collection of letters and photographs. The book provides glimpses of four brothers' experiences on the North West Frontier of India in the 1930s, throughout the Second World War, during the partition of India in 1947 and the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s as well as a rare insight into their mother's precarious isolation during the war in Jersey under German occupation. The final chapter moves on to describe the subsequent life of one of the brothers, who became a farmer in Africa. Malcolm was killed while fighting the Japanese in Burma; Dick was seriously wounded in Italy where he was awarded a DSO; Jerry fought at Monte Cassino; Nigel joined the Royal Marines.
Ian McGill 作者作品表

eBook: Four Brothers in Arms: Second Edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Four Brothers in Arms: Second Edition (DRM PDF)

Action Learning (Paperback)

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