eBook: Haunting of Strawberry Water (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Tara Gould 
系列: Spotlight
分類: Thriller / suspense ,
Short stories  
書城編號: 21963637

售價: $13.00

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製造商: Myriad Editions
出版日期: 2020/01/29
頁數: 64
ISBN: 9781912408511
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'This dazzling series shows that if the barriers can be vaulted there is true beauty to be had from the lesser-walked streets of literature. These works are both nourishing and inspiring, and a gift to any reader.' -Kerry HudsonA gripping tale of post-natal depression, this short story reads like a modern retelling of The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and has much in common with Sarah Water' The Little Stranger in its realisation of psychological distress as a supernatural phenomenon.A new mother, traumatised by an arduous labour, tries to come to terms with being abandoned as a baby by Olivia, the mother she never knew. Set in the eponymous 'Strawberry Water', a mysterious 1920s country bungalow which overlooks a fast-flowing river, the story begins with a faded photograph of the woman our narrator assumes to be her mother.Spotlight Books is a collaboration between Creative Future, New Writing South and Myriad Editions to discover, guide and support writers who are under-represented due to mental or physical health issues, disability, race, class, gender identity or social circumstance.

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Tara Gould 作者作品表

Haunting of Strawberry Water (Paperback)

eBook: Haunting of Strawberry Water (DRM EPUB)

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