eBook: Fury: A Memoir (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kathryn Heyman 
分類: Biography: general ,
Memoirs ,
Sexual abuse & harassment  
書城編號: 21963642

售價: $52.00

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製造商: Myriad Editions
出版日期: 2021/05/06
頁數: 240
ISBN: 9781912408658
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'Fury took my breath away. Heyman writes with such brio, muscularity and physicality; her trademark humour, honesty and energy vibrate on every page. This memoir is a triumph.'-Jill Dawson'Gripping and brilliantly written...up there with the very best adventure memoirs such as The Salt Path by Raynor Winn or Cheryl Strayed's Wild. This is a literary work that will stand the test of time and has international bestseller written all over it.'-Louise DoughtyAt the age of 20, after a traumatic sexual assault trial, Kathryn Heyman ran away from her life and became a deckhand on a fishing trawler in the Timor Sea.Coming from a family of poverty and violence, she had no real role models, no example of how to create or live a decent life, how to have hope or expectations. But she was a reader. She understood story, and the power of words to name the world. This was to become her salvation.After one wild season on board the Ocean Thief, the only girl among tough working men, facing storms, treachery and harder physical labour than she had ever known, Heyman was transformed. Finally she could name the abuses she thought had broken her. After a period of enforced separation from the world, she was able to return to it newly formed, determined to remake the role she'd been born into.A reflection on the wider stories of class, and of growing up female with all its risks and rewards, Fury is a memoir of courage and determination, of fighting back and finding joy.
Kathryn Heyman 作者作品表

eBook: Fury: A Memoir (DRM EPUB)

Fury (Unabridged ed) (CD-Audio)

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