eBook: Trap, Prey, Lust (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Carolyn Shanti 
書城編號: 21964163

售價: $78.00

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製造商: Filament Publishing
出版日期: 2019/02/26
頁數: 442
ISBN: 9781912635641

The novel Trap, Prey, Lust is based on the true story of the author's experience of childhood sexual and ritual abuse.The most notorious of the Hexagon Clubs is in London: exclusive, expensive, catering to very rich men, who seek endless highs in their nightly sexual sports. The super-rich elite travel constantly, wealthy scavengers looking for the next fix, the next sexual partner and a better, more expensive orgasm. There is no end to their greed and sexual extravagance.The clubs have spread everywhere. Their history lies in the eccentric sexual practices of the English Gothic era, the sexual crimes of Nazi Germany and the ';Book of the Dead' from Ancient Egypt.The senior members of the club are famous men, whose wealth and position have protected them from exposure or punishment for their sexual misdemeanours. Their daughters are raped, sexually abused and groomed from a young age, to be presented to the club as young whores for the new generation of members to enjoy. The protection of wealth and privilege that club members enjoy is absolute, until finally, their crimes are exposed.
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