eBook: Books that Devoured my Father (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Afonso Cruz, Margaret Jull Costa 
系列: Young Dedalus
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) ,
Fantasy & magical realism (Children's / Teenage) ,
Family & home stories (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 21964639

售價: $104.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Dedalus
出版日期: 2020/03/27
頁數: 123
ISBN: 9781912868322
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Vivaldo Bonfim was a bored book-keeper whose main escape from the tedium of his work was provided by novels. In the office, he tended to read rather than work, and, one day, became so immersed in a book that he got lost and disappeared completely. That, at least, is the version given to Vivaldo's son, Elias, by his grandmother. One day, Elias sets off, like a modern-day Telemachus, in search of the father he never knew. His journey takes him through the plots of many classic novels, replete with murders, all-consuming passions, wild beasts and other literary perils.
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Afonso Cruz 作者作品表

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Kokoschka's Doll (Paperback)

Books that Devoured my Father (Paperback)

Capital (Hardcover)

Margaret Jull Costa 作者作品表

The Penguin Book of Spanish Short Stories (Paperback)

The Penguin Book of Spanish Short Stories (Hardcover)

Take Six (Six Portuguese Women Writers) (Paperback)

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