eBook: Unfinished Business (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jerry Bradley 
分類: Thriller / suspense  
書城編號: 21965430

售價: $13.00

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製造商: Filament Publishing
出版日期: 2020/01/28
頁數: 144
ISBN: 9781913192884

A dramatic novel from Jerry Bradley. If you had the chance to live again, what would you do?New Years Eve and the countdown has started. ';Unfinished Business' tells the story of a 15-year-old boy, Thomas Drake, who has been given a second chance to live.He unravels the plot that points him towards the job he has been sent back to do. A chance to save a life and put things right.The pressure is mounting, overlooking the Thames, on New Year's Eve. He takes a massive gamble and puts himself in the firing line.';I am changing my plan,' said Tom. ';I hope it works.'The crowd starts chanting. Ten, nine, eight, seven. Sweat forms on Tom's brow. He takes aim. Three, two, o As Big Ben strikes midnight, Tom fires as the first rockets shoot up. The prime minister goes down. His bodyguards dive to shield the lifeless body.
Jerry Bradley 作者作品表

Pirates Coloring Book for Kids 6-12: Color Pirate Ships, Treasure, Skulls, 40 Fun Pages Matey (Paperback)

Pops Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3-10: Fun and Easy Coloring Pages for Kids and Pops (Paperback)

Matt Marshall Returns: Tale of an Arkansas Ozark Mandolin Player (Paperback)

eBook: Unfinished Business (DRM EPUB)

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