eBook: This is Botswana (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Peter Joyce 
系列: This is...
分類: Social & cultural history ,
Travel & holiday ,
Travel & holiday guides ,
Travel writing ,
Places & peoples: general & pictorial works ,
書城編號: 21971841

原價: HK$117.00
現售: HK$111.15 節省: HK$5.85

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Penguin Random House South Africa
出版日期: 2016/03/01
頁數: 176
ISBN: 9781928213390
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This is Botswana takes the reader on a panoramic journey of discovery - from the arid vastness of the Kalahari Desert to the lush waterways of the Okavango Delta. It is a compelling visual essay on the country, its people and its wildlife. More than 250 stunning photographs provide an exciting and diverse overview of the country. These are complemented by a detailed introductory text that both establishes historical perspective and offers insight into the realities of a country moving hesitantly, but with hope, into a challenging future.
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Peter Joyce 作者作品表

History of Policing, Crime, Disorder, Punishment (2023) (Paperback)

Criminology (Hardcover)

eBook: Criminology and Criminal Justice: A Study Guide (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Criminology and Criminal Justice: A Study Guide (DRM PDF)

Criminology and Criminal Justice (Paperback)

Criminal Justice (Paperback)

eBook: Policing of Protest, Disorder and International Terrorism in the UK since 1945 (DRM PDF)

eBook: This is Botswana (DRM PDF)

eBook: This is Botswana (DRM EPUB)

Politics - A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself (Paperback)

eBook: Politics: A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself (DRM EPUB)

Palgrave Dictionary of Public Order Policing, Protest and Po (Paperback)

Discover South Africa (Paperback)

Cape Town (Paperback)

eBook: Discover Politics: Flash (DRM EPUB)

Discover Politics (Paperback)

Policing (Paperback)

Teach Yourself Understand Politics (Paperback)

eBook: Understand Politics: Teach Yourself (DRM EPUB)

Teach Yourself Criminology - a Complete Introduction (Paperback)

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