eBook: Nightingale's Vision: Advancing the Nursing Profession Beyond 2022 (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Sue Johnson 
分類: Health systems & services ,
書城編號: 21974285

原價: HK$298.00
現售: HK$283.1 節省: HK$14.9

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製造商: American Nurses Association
出版日期: 2017/05/17
頁數: 150
ISBN: 9781935213994
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Florence Nightingale never could have predicted the current, complex landscape of the nursing profession when she built its foundations more than a century ago. But her vision is still alive, as evidenced in recommendations from the 2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) Future of Nursing report and its 2015 follow-up assessment. Health care reform will be a constant over the next few years, and nurses must be at the table for decision-making-nationally, regionally, and locally. Drawing on feedback about the IOM's vision of nursing from a representative sample of nurses, as well as their thoughts on both sets of recommendations, Nightingale's Vision: Advancing the Nursing Profession Beyond 2020 brings into focus the status of each recommendation, and the ways in which Florence Nightingale's vision aligns with them. The IOM recommendations are a blueprint, but all nurses must understand them and be involved in their success. Applicable to any practicing nurse in any role or setting, Nightingale's Vision: Advancing the Nursing Profession Beyond 2020 is an essential reference to guide nurses in the advancement of their profession in the next decade and beyond. Florence Nightingale would approve!
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