As the twenty-first century unfolds, our world faces dire political, ethical, ecological, and spiritual challenges on a global scale. How are we to understand the crises that are affecting us all?Paul Brunton's Humanitys Spiritual Crisis spells out how todays widespread, confusing, and many-layered crisis is essentially a spiritual oneand one that we ignore to our perilwe must undertake a major step forward in our evolution as a species. He provides a deeply informed framework of spiritual understanding and practices that help us find the most effective and creative ways to address these momentous situations in our daily lives.Humanitys Spiritual Crisis makes it clear that we cannot build a new and better world until we have looked within, found the souls light to guide us, and made unavoidable inner changes. We can choose to consciously co-operate with the inner purpose of this crisis and intelligently participate in it to our own benefit. If, however, we blindly resist or lazily delay, we will suffer the consequences.';Paul Brunton was a man ahead of his times. He was a brilliant, sensitive, philosophical thinker, a spiritual man and a writer of great talent.' Linda George, Conscious Life News