eBook: Najdorf in Black and White (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bryan Smith 
分類: Chess  
書城編號: 21976308

售價: $195.00

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製造商: Mongoose Press
出版日期: 2018/03/12
頁數: 162
ISBN: 9781936277872
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In many ways, the Najdorf Sicilian is the ideal defense against 1.e4 - aggressive and leading to creative and exciting play, allowing Black to play for a win and yet unquestionably sound. Despite the Najdorf's great popularity and reputation as a theoretical labyrinth, Bryan Smith believes it is possible to play it "by the light of nature," with experience providing a guide. The play is concrete and sharp, but original positions can be obtained fairly early. The twenty-nine annotated games in this book were carefully selected for their instructional value, their theoretical relevance, and - most of all - their esthetic appeal. Designed both for players of the Najdorf and for those facing it, The Najdorf in Black and White is a collection of creative and unique battles that you can use to learn the ins and outs of this opening.
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