eBook: Abundance: Starts Right Now (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Derek O'Neill 
系列: Get A Grip
分類: Advice on careers & achieving success  
書城編號: 21976590

售價: $39.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: SQ Worldwide LP
出版日期: 2014/02/15
頁數: 68
ISBN: 9781936470624

Are you living in abundance, or in a state of lack? Do you see all the riches around you, or are you focused on what you don't have? ABUNDANCE: Starts Right Now, part of the GET A GRIP series, takes an innovative and illuminating look at the ways we think of abundance, and how to invite more of it into ours lives. Beyond money, possessions and power, true abundance flows and thrives in your consciousness. It's a choice, and an ability, to give and receive.With concise and focused thoughts and ideas, Derek explores the power of creation that lies within your mind, and the courage it takes to embrace abundance. When you begin to access what you really need, truly want and what you can share, the great wealth of existence opens up.Stop the mentality of scarcity and fear! ABUNDANCE: Starts Right Now will be your guide. Let the journey begin
Get A Grip

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