eBook: Bloodchild: The Godblind Trilogy, Book Three (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Anna Stephens 
系列: The Godblind Trilogy
書城編號: 21988367

售價: $156.00

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製造商: Talos
出版日期: 2020/01/14
頁數: 384
ISBN: 9781945863448
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In this epic grimdark conclusion to the Godblind Trilogy, heroes, armies, and gods both good and evil will battle one last time, with the fate of the world itself at stake. . . . The great city of Rilpor has fallen. Its walls have crumbled under the siege by the savage Mireces; its defenders have scattered, fleeing for their lives; its new rulers plot to revive the evil Red Gods using the city's captured, soon-to-be-sacrificed citizens. Now, with the Fox God leading the shattered remnants of the Rilporian defence and the Mireces consolidating their claim on the rest of the country, it's up to Crys, Tara, Mace, Dom and the rest to end the Red Gods' scourge once and for all. While the Rilporians plan and prepare for one final, cataclysmic battle to defeat their enemies, the Blessed One and the king of the Mireces have plans of their own: dark plans that will see gods resurrected and the annihilation of the Dancer for all time. Key to their plan is Rillirin, King Corvus's sister, and the babythe Bloodchildshe carries. As both sides face their destinies and their gods, only one thing is clear: death waits for them all.
The Godblind Trilogy

eBook: Bloodchild: The Godblind Trilogy, Book Three (DRM EPUB)

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Anna Stephens 作者作品表

The Dark Feather (Paperback)

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Untitled Anna Stephens Book 3 (Hardcover)

The Jaguar Path (Paperback)

eBook: Jaguar Path (The Songs of the Drowned, Book 2) (DRM EPUB)

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The Jaguar Path (Paperback)

The Jaguar Path (Hardcover)

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The Stone Knife Lib/E: The Songs of the Drowned (Compact Disc)

The Stone Knife: The Songs of the Drowned (MP3 CD)

The Stone Knife (Paperback)

The Stone Knife (Hardback)

eBook: Stone Knife (The Songs of the Drowned, Book 1) (DRM EPUB)

Bloodchild (Paperback)

eBook: Bloodchild: The Godblind Trilogy, Book Three (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bloodchild (DRM EPUB)

Bloodchild (Hardcover)

Bloodchild (Paperback)

Darksoul (Paperback)

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