eBook: Breaking the Mold: You are Enough (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sajatha Jaffer 
分類: Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem  
書城編號: 21991524

原價: HK$147.00
現售: HK$139.65 節省: HK$7.35

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製造商: Clovercroft Publishing
出版日期: 2018/10/09
頁數: 160
ISBN: 9781948484596

Everyone faces adversity. In this memoir Sajatha offers a powerful collection of stories that help women of all ages overcome it. An Indian woman who experienced cultural suppression and an arranged marriage, Sajatha tried to fit into the societal ideal of what a good Indian Woman should be - until she found the courage to change. Her words empower others to discover their authentic voice and travel the less traveled road to self-discovery. The stories within this book depict her journey through life events that helped her embrace her true self. This book is the journey of a woman breaking the mold of expectations she was born into and embracing the mantra "I Am Enough". This book is about self-acknowledgment, self-acceptance and living your truth. Unapologetically!
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