eBook: Responding to Resistance: Thirty Strategies to Manage Conflict in Your School (An educational leadership guide to conflict management in the sc
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: William A. Sommers 
書城編號: 21993976

原價: HK$338.00
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製造商: Solution Tree Press
出版日期: 2020/08/14
頁數: 152
ISBN: 9781951075064
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p>Educational leadership is never conflict free. In <i>Responding to Resistance</i>, author William A. Sommers acknowledges this reality and presents school and district leaders with a set of wide-ranging response strategies. Whether a conflict involves staff, students, parents, or other stakeholders, this book will help you address it openly, decisively, and efficiently, so you have more time to focus on what matters most: improving learning in your school community.</p><p><b>Use this resource to obtain approaches and guidance for managing persistent problems when other strategies do not seem to work:</b><ul><li>Become familiar with five primary causes of conflict and four dangers of ignoring conflict.</li><li>Gain foundational communication skills for clarifying issues and defining problems.</li><li>Discover conflict resolution strategies for teams, individuals, and large groups.</li><li>Understand the research and expertise that support each response strategy.</li><li>Learn from realistic vignettes that illustrate common conflicts in schools and how a leader might react effectively to overcome resistance to change.</li></ul></p><p><b>Contents:</b><BR>Introduction: What's the Real Problem?<BR>Chapter 1: Foundational Skills<BR>Chapter 2: Strategies for Working With Teams<BR>Chapter 3: Strategies for Working With Individuals<BR>Chapter 4: Strategies for Working With Large Groups<BR>Chapter 5: Strategies for When Nothing Seems to Work<BR>Conclusion<BR>References<BR>Index</p>
William A. Sommers 作者作品表

eBook: Creating Talent Density: Accelerating Adult Learning (DRM PDF)

eBook: Creating Talent Density: Accelerating Adult Learning (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Responding to Resistance: Thirty Strategies to Manage Conflict in Your School (An educational leadership guide to conflict management in the sc

eBook: Responding to Resistance: Thirty Strategies to Manage Conflict in Your School (An educational leadership guide to conflict management in the sc

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