eBook: Interculturalism and Performance Now: New Directions? (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Charlotte McIvor, Jason King 
系列: Contemporary Performance InterActions
分類: Theatre studies  
書城編號: 22079098

售價: $1554.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2018/12/29
ISBN: 9783030027049
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This book is the first edited collection to respond to an undeniable resurgence of critical activity around the controversial theoretical term 'interculturalism' in theatre and performance studies. Long one of the field's most vigorously debated concepts, intercultural performance has typically referred to the hybrid mixture of performance forms from different cultures (typically divided along an East-West or North-South axis) and its related practices frequently charged with appropriation, exploitation or ill-founded universalism. New critical approaches since the late 2000s and early 2010s instead reveal a plethora of localized, grassroots, diasporic and historical approaches to the theory and practice of intercultural performance which make available novel critical and political possibilities for performance practitioners and scholars. This collection consolidates and pushes forward reflection on these recent shifts by offering case studies from Asia, Africa, Australasia, Latin America, North America, and Western Europe which debate the possibilities and limitations of this theoretical turn towards a 'new' interculturalism.  
Contemporary Performance InterActions

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

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The Green Mister Rogers: Environmentalism in Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (Compact Disc)

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eBook: History of the Irish Famine: Irish Famine Migration Narratives: Eyewitness Testimonies (DRM EPUB)

eBook: History of the Irish Famine: Irish Famine Migration Narratives: Eyewitness Testimonies (DRM PDF)

eBook: Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 7, Number 2: Catholic Peacemaking (DRM PDF)

eBook: Faith with Benefits: Hookup Culture on Catholic Campuses (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Faith with Benefits: Hookup Culture on Catholic Campuses (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Cannabible 3 (DRM EPUB)

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