eBook: Honorable Merchant - Between Modesty and Risk-Taking: Intercultural and Literary Aspects (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Christoph Lutge, Christoph Strosetzki 
系列: Ethical Economy
分類: Cultural studies ,
Economic history ,
Business ethics & social responsibility  
書城編號: 22080147

售價: $1164.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2019/01/11
ISBN: 9783030043513
>> 相關實體書

This volume explores the concept of the honest merchant, taking a broad perspective and covering a wide range of aspects. It looks at the different types of "honest merchant" conceptions originating from different cultures and literary traditions. The book covers Japanese, Islamic, Scandinavian, Russian, German, Spanish, as well as other aspects, and studies different disciplinary backgrounds of the honest merchant, such as philosophical, economic, neuroethical, sociological and literary ones.The concept of the honest merchant has a long tradition in business ethics. In the Hanseatic League and in medieval Italy, the ideal of the honest businessman was taught since the late Middle Ages. It originated during a time when travelling merchants were often regarded with a sceptical eye. The honest merchants of their time however held clear principles in their business and took responsibility for their community. In later times, the religious notions of the concept lost their pivotal place to reason and morality. This book goes beyond the tradition of discussing business ethics in association with concepts from the Hanseatic League and medieval Italy, and puts the central concept of business ethics in a much greater perspective.
Ethical Economy

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Christoph Lutge 作者作品表

Wirtschaftsethik in Realistischer Perspektive (Paperback)

The Ethics of Competition: How a Competitive Society is Good for All (Hardcover)

eBook: Ethics of Competition (DRM PDF)

Christoph Strosetzki 作者作品表

Literatur Im Dialog Mit Den Naturwissenschaften: Konkurrierende Ansprüche Von Der Frühen Neuzeit Bis Zum 20. Jahrhundert (2025) (Paperback)

El Teólogo En La España de la Temprana Modernidad: Formas de Vida Seculares Y Espirituales. Impacto Político, Social Y Estético (2023) (Paperback)

eBook: Value of Conversation: Perspectives from Antiquity to Modernity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Value of Conversation: Perspectives from Antiquity to Modernity (DRM PDF)

eBook: 200 Years of National Philologies: From Romanticism to Globalization (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 200 Years of National Philologies: From Romanticism to Globalization (DRM PDF)

The Value of Conversation: Perspectives from Antiquity to Modernity (2023) (Paperback)

eBook: Manual Work and Mental Work: Humanist Knowledge for Professions in the Siglo de Oro (DRM PDF)

eBook: Manual Work and Mental Work: Humanist Knowledge for Professions in the Siglo de Oro (DRM EPUB)

Manual Work and Mental Work: Humanist Knowledge for Professions in the Siglo de Oro (2023) (Paperback)

200 Years of National Philologies: From Romanticism to Globalization (2023) (Paperback)

Der Wert der Konversation: Perspektiven von der Antike bis zur Moderne (1. Aufl. 2022) (Paperback)

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