eBook: Quentin Tarantino and Film Theory: Aesthetics and Dialectics in Late Postmodernity (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Federico Pagello 
分類: Film, TV & radio ,
Film theory & criticism  
書城編號: 22098024

售價: $1164.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2020/10/20
ISBN: 9783030438197
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This book examines a set of theoretical perspectives that critically engage with the notion of postmodernism, investigating whether this concept is still useful to approach contemporary cinema. This question is explored through a discussion of the films written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, largely regarded as the epitome of postmodern cinema and considered here as theoretical contributions in their own right.  Each chapter first presents key ideas proposed by a specific theorist and then puts them in conversation with Tarantino's films. Jacques Ranciere's theory of art is used to reject postmodernism's claims about the 'death' of the aesthetic image in contemporary cinema. Fredric Jameson's and Slavoj Zizek's dialectical thinking is mobilized to challenge simplistic, ideological readings of postmodern cinema in general, and Tarantino's films in particular. Finally, the direct influence of Carol Clover's psychoanalytical approach to the horror genre on Tarantino's work is discussed to prove the director's specific contribution to a theoretical understanding of contemporary film aesthetics.      
Federico Pagello 作者作品表

eBook: Quentin Tarantino and Film Theory: Aesthetics and Dialectics in Late Postmodernity (DRM PDF)

eBook: Quentin Tarantino and Film Theory: Aesthetics and Dialectics in Late Postmodernity (DRM EPUB)

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