eBook: Basic Epithelial Ion Transport Principles and Function: Ion Channels and Transporters of Epithelia in Health and Disease - Vol. 1 (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Kirk L. Hamilton, Daniel C. Devor 
系列: Physiology in Health and Disease
分類: Medical research ,
Physiology ,
Proteins ,
Cellular biology (cytology)  
書城編號: 22102204

售價: $1164.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2020/11/26
ISBN: 9783030527808
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This book discusses unique ion channels and transporters that are located within epithelial tissues of various organs including the kidney, intestine, pancreas and respiratory tract. As the authors show, these channels and transporters play crucial roles in transepithelial ion and fluid transport across epithelia and their contribution to maintaining homeostasis. Readers will be introduced to the fundamentals of ion transport in terms of function, modelling, regulation, structure and pharmacology. This is the first of three volumes highlighting the importance of epithelial ion channels and transporters in basic physiology and pathophysiology of human diseases. This volume focuses  on basic fundamentals of epithelial transport physiology. There is a range of chapters dedicated to specific aspects of epithelial ion transport and cell function. Accordingly, the authors discuss techniques used to determine epithelial function, principles of epithelia transport, polarization of epithelial cells, mathematical modelling of epithelial ion transport, protein folding of ion channels, degradation epithelial ion channels, fundamentals of epithelial sodium, potassium and chloride transport, fundamentals of bicarbonate secretion, volume regulation, and microRNA regulation of epithelial channels and transporters. Given its scope, Volume 1 offers a valuable resource for physiology students, scientists and clinicians alike. 
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