eBook: Logic in High Definition: Trends in Logical Semantics (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Alessandro Giordani, Jacek Malinowski 
系列: Trends in Logic
分類: Philosophy of language ,
Philosophy: logic  
書城編號: 22102540

售價: $1294.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2020/11/19
ISBN: 9783030534875
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This volume clusters together issues centered upon the variety of types of intensional semantics. Consisting of 10 contributions, the volume is based on papers presented at the Trends in Logic 2019 conference. The various chapters introduce readers to the topic, or apply new types of logical semantics to elucidate subtleties of logical systems and natural language semantics.The book introduces hyperintentional systems that aim at solving some open philosophical problems. Specifically, the first three studies focus on relating semantics, while the following ones discuss fundamental issues related to hyper-intensional semantics or develop hyper-intensional frameworks to address issues in modal, epistemic, deontic and action logic. Authors in this volume present original results on logical systems but also extend beyond this by offering philosophical considerations on the topic as well. This volume will appeal to students and researchers in the field of logic. 
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