eBook: Montrealer Ubereinkommen: Ubereinkommen zur Vereinheitlichung bestimmter Vorschriften uber die Beforderung im internationalen Luftverkehr. Komm
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Fabian Reuschle 
系列: De Gruyter Kommentar
分類: Law ,
Company law  
書城編號: 22139663

原價: HK$2587.00
現售: HK$2457.65 節省: HK$129.35

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製造商: De Gruyter
出版日期: 2011/12/22
頁數: 742
ISBN: 9783110913354
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 The Montreal Convention came into effect on 3rd November 2003 following the deposit of the 30th ratification document. Meanwhile it applies to 64 states. Through the quick ratification by further states, the precursor, the Warsaw Convention on the standardization of regulations on the carriage of international air traffic from 1929, is increasingly replaced. The aim of the convention is to create a new, modern and comprehensive work of regulations, which corresponds firstly to the altered technical, economic and consumer protected standards and secondly further guarantees a uniform and clear law through integrating the different legal sources of the Warsaw Convention system. The objective of the commentary is to explain the purposes of theconvention briefly and concisely for the practise. As an important source of interpretation serves the history of the origin of the MontrealConvention as well as the Warsaw Convention. Secondly, the annotation considers the Continental and American administration of justice to the air carrier liability for damage to passengers and goods as well as the legal sources of the European Community legislators. Furthermore, the annotation goes into the differing international state practise by converting the compulsory insurance of the air carrier. The MontrealConvention law enforcement, the EC decree on the liability of air traffic businesses with accidents, the EC decree on performance adjustments and assistance for passengers in case of non-travel and with cancellation or lengthy flight delays as well as the EC decree on insurance claims on air traffic businesses are explained and described along with the Montreal Convention. The work contains a text synopsis of the Montreal Convention, the Warsaw Convention in the form of The Hague protocol from 1955 as well as the WarsawConvention from 1929. Furthermore, in the appendix of the work, the MontrealConvention law enforcement, the European Secondary Community law on the liability of air traffic businesses by accidents and lengthy delays as well as on insurance claims on air traffic businesses, the general terms of transport of IATA and the German Lufthansa AG are also printed as well as further important international conventions, such as the Chicago Convention.
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Fabian Reuschle 作者作品表

Montrealer Übereinkommen (00066. Neu Bearb. A) (Hardcover)

eBook: Montrealer Ãœbereinkommen (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Montrealer Ubereinkommen: Ubereinkommen zur Vereinheitlichung bestimmter Vorschriften uber die Beforderung im internationalen Luftverkehr. Komm

eBook: Montrealer Ubereinkommen (DRM PDF)

Montrealer UEbereinkommen: UEbereinkommen zur Vereinheitlichung bestimmter Vorschriften uber die Befoerderung im internationalen Luftverkehr. Kommenta

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