eBook: Meaning and Controversy within Chinese Ancestor Religion (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Paulin Batairwa Kubuya 
系列: Asian Christianity in the Diaspora
分類: Comparative religion ,
Oriental religions ,
Cultural studies ,
書城編號: 22182155

售價: $1034.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2018/01/25
ISBN: 9783319705248
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Chinese practices related to ancestors have long been the subject of conflicting interpretations. These practices are rooted in the lived experience of practitioners, and therefore need to be considered as embodied expressions of the quest for existential meaning. For practitioners, the achievement of existential meaning requires the inclusion, implication, and mediation of the ancestors. When gestures in ancestor rites are analyzed from this perspective it is possible to appreciate their essence as constitutive of "ancestor religion." This book uses an inquisitive method that investigates the discrepancies between foreign and local explanations, and proposes another hermeneutic framework for ancestor related praxes.   
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eBook: Meaning and Controversy within Chinese Ancestor Religion (DRM EPUB)

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Paulin Batairwa Kubuya 作者作品表

eBook: Meaning and Controversy within Chinese Ancestor Religion (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Meaning and Controversy within Chinese Ancestor Religion (DRM PDF)

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