eBook: CISG vs. Regional Sales Law Unification: With a Focus on the New Common European Sales Law (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Ulrich Magnus 
分類: International law  
書城編號: 22360579

原價: HK$579.00
現售: HK$550.05 節省: HK$28.95

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製造商: Sellier European Law Publishers
出版日期: 2012/08/31
頁數: 247
ISBN: 9783866539662

 In October 2011, the European Commission introduced its Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (CESL) which covers inter alia international business sales - a subject already regulated by the Convention of International Sale of Goods (CISG) which was ratified by 78 member states. How does this new Proposal fit the existing uniform sales law? How have other regions of the world managed the coexistence of global and regional sales law unification? What can Europe learn from the U.S. experience concerning the CISG and the Uniform Commercial Code? What can we learn from the African OHADA which made CISG more or less the internal law of 17 African states, what from Australia where CISG and common law exist alongside? All these questions are intensely discussed in this highly recommendable book written by renowned authors like Larry DiMatteo, Harry Flechtner, Franco Ferrari, Robert Koch, Ulrich Magnus and Bruno Zeller.
Ulrich Magnus 作者作品表

eBook: CISG vs. Regional Sales Law Unification: With a Focus on the New Common European Sales Law (DRM PDF)

Global Trade Law: International Business Law of the United Nations and Unidroit. Collection of Uncitral's and Unidroit's Conventions, Mo (paperback)

eBook: Unification of Tort Law: Damages: Damages (DRM PDF)

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