eBook: 1793. In Umbra Mortii (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Niklas Natt och Dag 
系列: Buzz Books
書城編號: 22377928

售價: $51.00

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製造商: Distributed By PublishDrive
出版日期: 2019/10/22
頁數: 464
ISBN: 9786063342738

In 1793, la patru ani dupa caderea Bastiliei si la mai mult de un an dupa asasinarea regelui Gustav al III-lea al Suediei, paranoia si conspiratiile sunt la ordinea zilei in Stockholm. Violenta mocneste in aer, pe masura ce oamenii obisnuiti se simt tot mai vulnerabili in fata capriciilor celor aflati la putere.Cand Mickel Cardell, un fost soldat, descopera un corp mutilat care pluteste in lacul urat mirositor al orasului, se simte obligat sa-i ofere trupului neidentificat o inmormantare corespunzatoare. Pentru Cecil Winge, un avocat stralucit, devenit detectiv consultant al politiei din Stockholm, un corp fara brate, picioare si ochieste un puzzle formidabil si o ultima sansa de a-si dovedi abilitatile inainte de a pierde batalia cu ftizia. Impreuna, Winge si Cardell scormonesc subteranele Stockholmului pentru a descoperi identitatea cadavrului, confruntandu-se cu elita decadenta a orasului.Pe parcursul unui roman indraznet si ingenios construit, destinele celor doi si ale altor personaje extraordinare se intersecteaza in mod neasteptat. Niklas Natt och Dag picteaza un portret inspaimantator si in acelasi timp fascinant al Stockholmului de la sfarsitul secolului al XVIII-lea.Un debut impresionant. [...] Descrieri minunate ale mediului urban, imagini nelinistitoare ale societatii, o scriitura care pastreaza un echilibru perfect intre expresiile specifice perioadei si tehnicile de naratiune contemporana."Dagens Nyheter, SuediaUn tur de forta literar... o poveste inteligenta si plina de suspans pe care n-o veti uita prea curand."Verdens Gang, NorvegiaPremiul pentru Cel mai bun roman de debut acordat de Academia Suedeza a Scriitorilor de Romane Politiste
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Niklas Natt och Dag 作者作品表

The Order of the Furies: 1795: A Novel (Paperback)

The Order of the Furies: 1795: A Novel (Paperback)

1795: The Order of the Furies: The Wolf and the Watchman ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

1795: The Order of the Furies (Paperback)

The Order of the Furies: 1795: A Novel (Compact Disc)

The Order of the Furies: 1795: A Novel (Hardcover)

The City Between the Bridges: 1794: A Novel (Paperback)

1795: The Order of the Furies (Hardcover)

1795: The Order of the Furies (Paperback)

1794: The City Between the Bridges ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: City Between the Bridges: 1794: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

The City Between the Bridges: 1794: A Novel (Compact Disc)

The City Between the Bridges: 1794: A Novel (Hardcover)

1794: The City Between the Bridges: The Million Copy International Bestseller (Paperback)

1794: The City Between the Bridges: The Million Copy International Bestseller (Hardcover)

1794: The City Between the Bridges (Paperback)

eBook: 1794: The City Between the Bridges: The Million Copy International Bestseller (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 1793. In Umbra Mortii (DRM EPUB)

Wolf and the Watchman (Paperback)

eBook: 1793: The Wolf and the Watchman: The latest Scandi sensation (DRM EPUB)

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